Team SMG upsets the reigning MPL MY champions in Week 2

Team SMG upsets the reigning MPL MY champions in Week 2
Publish Date 25 Mar 2021

After narrow losses to Orange Esports and HomeBois, Team SMG were the underdogs going into the last match of MPL MY Week 2 against the reigning champs, Todak.

Facing Todak’s 10-man squad, Team SMG first had to contend with Xray, Ciku, and Stoo, and new additions Vinss and Ashi. They were tied in gold in game one until the fourth minute, when Team SMG blew the game wide open.

Catching out Ashi’s Rafaela and Ciku’s Brody at bot, Saiyajinn’s Jawhead found a clutch reengage onto Todak’s carry. Working with his team, he baite