RSG PH Cap Off Regular Season with Rookie Debut and Clean Sweep vs NXPE

RSG PH Cap Off Regular Season with Rookie Debut and Clean Sweep vs NXPE
Publish Date 03 Oct 2022
Viewed 1,336 times

The Raiders look to cap off the final game of the regular season with a blast with the debut of their rookies 1rrad and Perkz against the already eliminated Nexplay EVOS.

Just when everyone expected RSG to be gentle against their opponents, the squad still had the all-out mentality in getting the win along with excellent performances by the rookies. The neon tigers struggled to keep up the punches being thrown out in the early to later stages of the game combined with the Panda-mentals practiced by RSG attributing to how fast they are able to adapt with enemy strategies and take control of game number one.

Nexplay EVOS may have shown great effort on the start, but the Raiders had to take the ending win.

RSG continued to play with their prey as the second game commenced. From the first minute double kill by Aqua on the Valentina, to 1rrad constantly slashing his way through enemies with the Karina pick, giving them 14 kills just before the 10-minute mark struck the clock. In 13 minutes, the Raiders gripped all momentum and drove all the way to the base to end the game and finish the series with a clean sweep.


Game 1:

Game 2:

Post Game

Game 1

Game 2


Game 1

Game 2

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