RSG defended their MSC Dream as they Reverse swept the Current World Champions

RSG defended their MSC Dream as they Reverse swept the Current World Champions
Publish Date 05 May 2023
Viewed 4,082 times

RSG's MSC dream lives on as they go up against the reigning World Champions, following their sweep against Onic Philippines yesterday. While both teams had a close match during the regular season, all eyes are now on the showdown between Irrad and Karltzy. Can Irrad outshine the MLBB Philippines' greatest of all time in the jungle or will Karltzy's recent finger injury impede his performance in the playoffs?

The first game's draft followed a typical pattern with the first three bans and picks. Echo obtained Arlott, Franco, and Valentina, while RSG had Fredrinn, Joy, and Beatrix. However, the second phase saw some interesting picks. Echo selected Kagura as the mid-laner and Minsitthar for the gold lane, completing their double fighter lineup, while RSG finalized their draft with Khufra and Gloo. Echo's draft was experimental, as they went against RSG's classic and comfortable lineup.

The map presence of Echo's double hook composition was felt by RSG very early in the game. However, RSG was able to stop Echo's snowball just in time and win team fights after 7 minutes. RSG took map control and the tempo of the game. Despite Echo's double fighter lineup dominance in the early game, they were bound to be punished in the late game, but this was not the case as RSG took the second Lord, marched down the middle lane, and forced to end the game. Despite having low HP, RSG remained committed and destroyed the crystal, taking game number one in favor of the Raiders.

After their unsuccessful attempt with an experimental lineup, Echo decided to stick to the meta. They still prioritized an Arlott, while RSG picked Joy and Gloo. Echo quickly locked in Valentina and Akai, while RSG secured Karrie. During the second banning phase, both teams focused on mid laners and roamers. RSG prioritized a Franco for pickoffs to pair with their Karrie, while Echo secured Beatrix for Bennyqt and Khufra for Yawi. RSG completed their draft by choosing Martis for the jungle.

The early game favored RSG, giving them a 6k gold lead in just 12 minutes. However, despite their advantage, they were not able to close out the game and Echo was able to extend it to the point where gold did not matter. Echo secured the Lord and started turning around the map control at 17 minutes. With the help of KarlTzy, they were able to secure the next two Lords. At 25 minutes, with the Lord marching down the middle lane, Echo took down two members of RSG and base locked them. This resulted in a comeback for Echo, tying the series 1-1 against RSG.

The draft started with a Joy pick from Echo while RSG took an Arlott and a Valentina. Echo was able to take away the natural counter of Joy into their draft and a Kadita to ensure burst when Bloody hunt was used. Despite RSG having a Karrie to shred through the tanks of Echo there was really no way for RSG to stop the Joy especially since EMANN only has Purify.

Echo was in a much better condition compared to their previous game's win. They were able to show how the World Champion play the game, building up a 7-thousand gold lead in 12 minutes. Securing 2 turtles, the first Lord, and all the outer turrets of RSG. The map control of Echo was immaculate as RSG was forced to gave up the second Lord to just defend in their base. However it was proven to be a crucial mistake as the gold lead of Echo allowed them to overpower RSG right in inside their tower range in addition to the Lord. Echo sucessfully killed 4 members of RSG and destroyed the Crystal. With this win, they took the lead in the series 2-1. 

After suffering defeats in the previous two games, RSG unleashed a different draft compared to the previous games. They first picked Lancelot for Irrad while Echo secured two meta Exp laners: Joy and Arlott. However, RSG had a counter in mind, securing Minsitthar and Franco, while Echo locked in Akai for the jungle. The second phase bans were focused primarily on the mid laners, forcing RSG to pick Yve and Melissa, while Echo answered with Grock and Karrie to shred through the tanks of RSG.

In Game 4, both teams were evenly matched from early to mid-game, trading objectives back and forth. However, Irra's impressive mechanics were showcased in the objective fights, as he managed to steal an objective right in front of KarlTzy. At the 15-minute mark, Yawi made a failed Wild Charge attempt on RSG's members, which was countered by a Conceal play from RSG into Sanford, who managed to land a 3-man Final Slash before being taken down. RSG then took advantage of the disrupted Echo by flanking them with Sanji coming from the bottom lane, resulting in the elimination of two of Echo's members. Despite this, Echo was able to defend their inhibitor turrets against the remaining four members of RSG.

In the late game, the game was back-and-forth between the two teams. However, at the 24-minute mark, RSG was able to secure a Lord, regaining map control and going on the offensive. Echo put up a strong defense, but at the cost of two of their members. They tried to make plays, but were shut down by a King's Calling from RSG, resulting in a team wipe and securing their victory in Game 4. As a result, RSG forced a Game 5 against the World Champions.

Despite Echo losing their previous game, they still drafted like their previous game with a minimal change. They still prioritized Joy and RSG went for an Arlot and a Franco. Echo still went for an Akai as a Jungler while they opted Joy as an Exp and picked a Valentina for mid unlike their previous game, this time, Kadita was open and was picked by Exort. Seeing the tanky and somewhat mobile line up of Echo, RSG locked in a Karrie while Echo went for a Brody and Khufra and a Martis for RSG to complete the draft of both teams.

Game number 5 had a slow pace unlike the previous games, with both teams being very careful with their rotations. However, RSG had the advantage in the early to middle game, with Irrad securing the most turtles and kills for his team. This allowed him to gain more advantage against Karltzy in objective fights. Although the kill scores were almost even, RSG had the gold lead from their objectives in the early game. Light’s Iron Hooks and Bloody Hunts were a pain for Karltzy, as he had to Heavy Spin just to escape. Echo was able to retaliate when Karltzy secured the second Lord, but it was short-lived control as RSG chased down the members of Echo. They forced Echo's base, killing the remaining members of Echo. However, the previously killed members respawned to desperately defend. But even then, in a 5v3 situation, RSG was able to tower lock. It was a successful raid for RSG, finishing the series 3-2 against the current World Champions and one step away from MSC 2023.

Game 1:


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Game 2:


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MVP:Game 3:


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Game 4:


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Game 5:


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