In this battle of survival for their playoffs dream, will the Hedgehogs reign, or will the Phoenix Army’s flame burn brighter?
Game 1 started as TNC banned out Joy and Kaja as well as Wanwan while ONIC banned Tankcelot and a Fanny to be removed in the Game. While the second phase of the drafting arise, TNC picked Lolita and Faramis to remove the counter on one another. Meanwhile, TNC removed Natalia and picked Grock as their Jungler and Khufra as their Roamer.
First game started in the early game is a close fight between these two teams. Objective takes have been an up and down for both teams, nobody can secure their objectives easily. As the second lord team fight starts TNC collapsed and ONIC secured the Lord. One-by-one ONIC punished and gets four straight kills and they didn't wait for the Lord to finish up the game.
Drafting on the Game 2 as TNC removed Faramis and Kaja then secured the Pharsa and Bethings picked his signature Franco. ONIC answered back with Sensui's Fredrinn and Nets' Claude but they banned Tankcelot and Fanny to respect K1ngK0ng's jungle heroes. For their last pick, TNC picked Innocent's Lesley and then ONIC picked Arlott as well for a better team fight initiation for them.
A heated battle on this game as the crucial moment started in the first Lord. TNC secured the early Lord, Innocent and Benthings with their Franco and Lesley has been very effective for TNC. Hooks after hooks after hooks connected for Benthings to create tons of space for TNC and secured a few Lords. Meanwhile, ONIC always has the proper solution to solve the problem given by TNC for them. ONIC defended their base and stand strong against the crucial pick-offs from TNC. Nets with his Claude has been untouchable throughout the game, nobody in the TNC squad can hold the Claude. A few times TNC almost end the game but ONIC gets the most crucial kill against Lesley and they secured the Lord without any contest from TNC. ONIC with the momentum on their hands, they finished the Game with a W and secured a sweep against TNC.