One Life Left: Will the Team That Shocked the League Bring the Current Champions to Their Knees?

One Life Left: Will the Team That Shocked the League Bring the Current Champions to Their Knees?
Publish Date 22 Oct 2022
Author Vincent Pajenago
Viewed 1,719 times

It was a rollercoaster of a week for BREN Esports after going through two (2) action-packed, five-game matches against high-caliber teams Blacklist International and Smart Omega. RSG-PH, on the other hand, having swept ONIC-PH and losing to the super team, ECHO, looks to regain their momentum to try and get a chance to defend their crown. Whose composure will prevail as the champion team goes up against the rookie team?

With both roamers being limited because of the Atlas, Grock, and Chou ban, the playmaking prowess of both Light and Owgwen has been slightly restricted. Looking at the jungle—Demonkite using Karina and KyleTzy using Balmon—it felt as if both teams were merely taunting each other. However, Balmond, being innately advantaged due to the Lethal Counter and retribution combo, KyleTzy ensured that his squad took control of the early neutral objectives. In fact, they even got one (1) lord advantage over their opponents. It was then up to RSG-PH to curb this advantage by forcing team fights that ideally should be in favor of them—their biggest threats are Pheww’s Pharsa and Super Marco’s Claude. This responsibility has been Nathzz’ Paquito’s responsibility. After split-pushing the dead lane, his role was merely to spot, pick off, and burst Pharsa, which significantly lowered the damage and team fight capability of BREN Esports. The bush is indeed lava, but, this time, it was the rookie team that got scorched in this lava as RSG-PH flexed their chemistry and composure as they took game #1.

LIMIT OWGWEN’S HEROES. That looks like the sole strategy of RSG-PH as they head on to Game #2, banning Atlas and Grock to hamper Owgwen’s playmaking capabilities. On top of that, they secured Chou for Light to wield which added an additional threat to their opponents. What paved the way for RSG-PH’s consistent advantage from early to the late game was this Chou that made it awkward for BREN Esports to secure their positioning on the map. In combination with Demonkite’s Julian and Aqua’s Yve, all of the heroes that were kicked by Way of the Dragon were a sure kill, making it easier for EMANN’s Claude to merely free-hit and devour all of their enemies. In the end, it was total domination from the side of the Kingslayers—perfect execution, flawless objective-taking, and impeccable chemistry. Light proves just why he was the MPL-PH S9 regular season. RSG-PH also makes a statement as to why they are the current MPL champions as they made it look easy, taking game #2, putting BREN at a do-or-die.

The final chance is do-or-die. Having lost two (2) consecutive games, the Hive is looking to regain their confidence by trying to snatch game #3. It is looking grim in the early to mid-game as the Kingslayers easily sweep objectives to objectives, kills upon kills. Using Light’s Ruby’s combo stopper, Owgwen’s Chou did not prove that much of a threat in the early stages. In fact, three (3) turtles went in the favor of RSG-PH. However, with one clutch Way of the Dragon coming from Owgwen at the 11th-minute mark, the tides slowly went in their favor. Capitalizing on the newfound lead and with Pandora’s Fredrinn merely absorbing the damage, KyleTzy’s Gusion and Super Marco’s Claude shone. The timing of Aqua’s ultimate in Faramis was a bit off which was something that the Hives saw, making it easy to exploit the burst damage of KyleTzy and the Blazing Duet of Super Marco. In the end, it was pure tenacity and heart that trumps the momentum that RSG-PH is slowly building up. The newly called poison of the playoffs proves just why they forced Smart Omega on a first-round exit as they force a game #4.

In what looked to be an easy early game for the double assassin draft of BREN Esports, RSG-PH proved to be prepared as they halted and restricted the movements of their opponents. With a magnificent early game rotation coming from them, they continuously killed Pandora’s Fredrinn, at some point even getting stuck at a 0-7 kill score. It was only until the fourth (4) clutch lord steal executed by KyleTzy’s Lancelot that helped them regain momentum against their enemies. Still, RSG was relentless in attacking, even killing Super Marco’s Irithel and Owgwen’s Chou in what seemed to be the final clash as the lord was marching toward their opponent’s base. However, Pandora’s crucial casting of Appraiser’s Wrath destroyed EMANN’s Claude, buying enough time for their team to defend the fifth lord. This allowed them to start a counter initiation against RSG-PH, locking onto their base, and extending the match to a fifth, decider game.

Coming from a win last game, BREN Esports is looking to continue their momentum and try to deprive RSG-PH of the chance to defend their crown. However, it is in these high-pressure games that veterans and rookies are set apart. Wielding their composure and shrugging off their negative energies, the Kingslayers are focused on their goal. From the draft to the early game, it felt like total domination for the current champions. Despite going up against the 100% win rate of the Hive with the Gusion, the mental fortitude and maturity of this team became more apparent in this game. Holding on to their advantage, not overextending, and focusing on objectives—they capitalized on their strengths and their chemistry. In the end, it was enough to overshadow the shining hope of BREN Esports. 

Whilst the venom of the bees proved itself to be lethal, it remained insufficient as the Kings of Seas overwhelmed the rookie team. RSG-PH brings the team that shocked the league as they come out on top, taking game #5 and the series.


GAME 1 (19:54) - RSG 18 (W); BREN 8 (L)

GAME 2 (16:50) - BREN 6 (L); RSG 16 (W)

GAME 3 (19:07) - RSG 8 (L); BREN 14 (W)

GAME 4 (27:09) - RSG 25 (L); BREN 11 (W)

GAME 5 (12:30) - RSG 12 (W); BREN 1 (L)



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