Ganti ng Api! Will Echo redeem themselves after being swept by Smart Omega 0-3 in the playoffs in MLBB-PH S9?

Ganti ng Api! Will Echo redeem themselves after being swept by Smart Omega 0-3 in the playoffs in MLBB-PH S9?
Publish Date 20 Aug 2022
Author Patrick Gallego Santos
Viewed 1,126 times

Long time rivals back at it again, with the hungry Echo attempting to get revenge for their humiliatiing loss last season; Smart Omega is in for a beating. Will history repeat itself or will Echo emerge victorious in this best of 3 series bout?

The calm before the storm as they say it, game 1 started off with omega having a passive-type of playstyle due to the natalia making echo have the upperhand in the early game as they secured the three turtles going into this game, eventually destroying towers, taking objectives and the jungle of Smart Omega. Going into the late game Smart Omega hoped to turn it around after one big win in a clash, sadly with the 9k gold lead of Echo things are looking dire for Smart Omega and with the first lord going in to Smart Omega's base, Echo rode the flow and dove into the towers of Omega, eventually, wiping out the heroes of Omega one by one and finally tower locking to end the game.


Game 2 started with both teams going back and forth with kills and objectives, this game is the closest as you can get between winning and losing. Having no idea who has the upper hand anymore, where the gold lead doesn't matter both teams for their hardest where echo executing a nice play where Paquito "3martzy" and Diggie "jaypee" distracted the 5 members of barangay Omega while Ling "Zaida", Beatrix "Outplayed", and Lunox "Kurtzy" quickly bursted the lord to gain the advantage to push Smart Omega's base. With one inhibitor turret down in the side of Smart Omega they had no choice but to get the next lord which they did but ended up sacrificing 3 members to do so. Victory is in reach for the side of Echo where they pushed the middle lane but with Veteran Renzio and E2MAX's amazing base defense, they managed to shutdown their siege and performed an unexpected comeback after having 4 of their members dead. 


Going into game 3, both cores of team echo and omega performed splendidly putting their teams on their back. With Omega composed of heroes that can zone really well, they easily got the three turtles in the game and with it, they can easily take the objectives in the map and expand their gold lead. Omega rinsed and repeated that method in the duration of this game and eventually took the victory and Smart Omega ended up reverse sweeping echo and denied them of their revenge.


Game 1

Game 2

Game 3


Game 1

Game 2

Game 3


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