Echo Loud and Echo Proud as Echo Philippines come on top after a heated series versus RSG Slate Philippines

Echo Loud and Echo Proud as Echo Philippines come on top after a heated series versus RSG Slate Philippines
Publish Date 17 Apr 2023

It is time for the final battle of the regular season. The current reigning M4 world champions versus the current reigning MSC champions, ECHO Philippines versus RSG Slate Philippines. With the new addition of Irrad into RSG’s roster, do they have what it takes to defeat a world champion?

The draft for game one starts with Echo securing their signature picks such as Lancelot, Kaja, Valentina, Brody, and Yu Zhong. RSG on the other hand picked Beatrix, Arlott, Joy, Khufra, and Kagura. Both teams banned standard meta picks such as Karrie, Yve, Gloo,and Pharsa. 
The game starts with RSG taking first blood but Echo is quick to retaliate as they take the first turtle objective as well as taking down a member of RSG. This grants Echo the gold avantage. Echo uses this to take the second turtle but RSG is able to try and contest by taking down a member of Echo. By the first lord, Echo is able to successfully take it after a strong contest from RSG, Echo’s gold lead rises to around 6000 gold. Echo continues to dominate all the way until the fourth lord where after a successful secure, they wipe RSG out allowing them to take game one.

The draft for game two starts with Echo stealing away the Khufra and Beatrix from RSG. They complete their draft with Gloo, Fredrinn, and a repeat Valentina. RSG snatch away the Kaja as they also take  Karrie and Yve with a repeat Joy and Arlott pick. The bans stayed similar to game one. 
The game starts with instant action as RSG is able to take down KarlTzy as soon as the first turtle spawns although Echo is able to stall enough for KarlTzy to arrive back to successfully take the first turtle. RSG fought back by taking down 2 more members of Echo. With a final slash from Nathzz, RSG is able to clean Echo up by the second turtle allowing them to secure it. RSG now leads the gold lead with around 2000 gold. With a few back and forth clashes, RSG is still able to hold a gold lead. By the first lord fight, a close clash happens in the lord pit wherein RSG is able to almost wipe out Echo as Sanji is able to secure the lord for Echo. RSG, using their map dominance, is able to secure the second lord which they are able to use to successfully close out the game, equalizing the score for RSG. 

It is now match point for both teams, the draft for game three starts with Echo snatching Arlott away from RSG. They finish their draft with Kaja, Harith, Martis, and Pharsa. RSG on the other hand come up with a different approach as they lock in Ling, Valentina, Brody, Franco, and Fredrinn. The bans have been directed onto each team’s signature picks such as Lancelot, Wanan, Beatrix, and Gloo.
Game three starts with a clash during the first turtle where RSG is able to successfully take the first turtle along with 2 members of Echo, this allows RSG to hold the gold lead. A turn of events for RSG as Echo is able to successfully secure the turtle with retribution as they also clean up a few members of RSG allowing the gold lead to shift unto the favor of Echo. Complete domination from Echo as they wipe out RSG during the third turtle objective. Their gold lead rises to a massive lead of 3000 gold. Non-stop action as RSG is able to almost wipe out Echo in a clash balancing the gold lead. By the 15rth minute mark, Echo is able to use their map domination to almost wipe out RSG allowing them to siege their base towers and end the game. Echo takes the game and wins the series with a 2-1 score. 


Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

Post Match Results:

Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:


Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3: