Bren continues their domination as they take down Nexplay Evos for the second time

Bren continues their domination as they take down Nexplay Evos for the second time
Publish Date 24 Mar 2023

Our second series of the game is between the current top 1 team in the standings, the undefeated, Bren Esports up against the newly revamped Nexplay Evos who are in a tough spot as they are ranked sixth right now close to the playoffs elimination zone. Will Bren Esports be able to successfully defend their win streak? Or will Nexplay Evos slay the Hive and further increase their chances of making it to the playoffs? 

Game 1’s draft starts with Bren Esports locking in signature picks such as the Diggie, Melissa, Fredrinn, Benedetta, and Valentina. NXPE on the other hand drafted a standard composition with Franco, Yve, Karina, Beatrix, and Lapu-Lapu. Both teams ban out multiple meta essential heroes. YellyHazeDR also makes his debut in this match.

The start of game 1 goes in favor of NXPE wherein they are able to take down the first turtle as well as two members from the side of Bren. This allows NXPE to hold a comfortable gold lead progressing into the game. NXPE does not waste this lead as they continue to take objectives such as another turtle and the next 3 lords. while continuing to dominate Bren Esports. NXPE is then successfully able to take down Bren’s base as they take down 3 of their members earning NXPE game 1 of the series. 

Game 2’s draft starts with Bren Esports snatching away the Beatrix while picking up the Valentina, Gloo, and Lolitta. Bren then decides to shock the audience with a debut Helcurt pick for the jungle. NXPE then decides to continue with an aggressive composition by taking clash oriented heroes such as Claude, Benedetta, and Pharsa. Chou and Akai were also picked up as the main playmakers and setters for NXPE. Bans stayed similar compared to game one of the series. 

Game 2 starts with Bren starting to lead the match by taking down a few NXPE members while securing the first turtle objective. In complete dominance, this lead allows Bren to take control of the whole game. From start to finish, they take every possible objective at the time including three turtles and two lords. With a almost 15k gold lead and a 12-0 score line, Bren closes out game 2 by nearly wiping out NXPE earning them game 2 and equalizing the series.

Game 3’s draft starts with Bren Esports drafting a few of their signature picks such as Ling, Melissa, and Gloo. The Khufra and Pharsa have also been picked up to help with pickoffs. A standard aggressive draft is what Bren seems to be utilizing. NXPE wants to fight fire with fire by locking in the Hayabusa, Beatrix, Valentina, Grock, and Benedetta who are all known to be very aggressive heroes. The bans followed a similar pattern to the other two games in the series.

Game 3 starts with NXPE taking the first blood against Bren who invaded their jungle. Bren answers back by taking two NXPE members down under the 2 minute mark. This allowed Bren to hold a gold lead and snatch the first turtle away with no problem. With similar fashion to game 2, Bren dominates NXPE utilizing their early snowball as they take away 3 turtles, and 3 lords away from NXPE. With a killscore of 7-2, Bren is able to hold an almost 16k gold lead. With the third lord, Bren marches towards NXPE’s base eventually ending the game and earning them game 3 and the series win with a score of 2-1 in favor of Bren Esports.


Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

Post Match Results:

Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:


Game 1:

Game 2:

Game 3:

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